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January Wrap Up

Somehow this was my busiest month since September, yet I've read the most books this month. I don't know how that works. The semester ended this month so I had exams and all those last minute projects and tests teachers assign, and I had some weird flu for a week where I spent my time passing out or throwing up. It's been a very distressing start to 2015, let me tell you.

This month I reviewed: This Shattered World, Gathering Darkness and, The Coldest Girl in Coldtown.

13138734This Shattered World by Meagan Spooner and Amie Kaufman 

Overall ratting: 90%

So this is the second book in the Starbound series. It's a companion novel to These Broken Stars, so it follows a different set of characters but it features the same characters and the same problem from the last book. This book follows Jubilee Chase who is Captain of the military on a swamp planet called Avon. Flynn Cormac is a rebel on the planet. Flynn and Jubilee meet in less than convenient circumstances but end up needing to work together in order to uncover the governments secrets and help Avon evolve. 

I can't wait for the next book!

17342700Gathering Darkness by Morgan Rhodes 

Overall ratting: 80% 

Things finally start happening in this installment of  The Falling Kingdoms series. This is the third book in the Falling Kingdoms series. The last two books were just there to build up the plot and develop the world and the characters.

This series follows a few different stories. Jonas, a rebel. Cleo a princess. Lucia a sorceress princess from a different kingdom. Magnus, Lucia's brother and, Alexius a watcher. In this book we are also introduced to some new characters, the Kraeshians. 

It's a Game of Thrones type book in YA form.

12813630The Coldest Girl In Coldtown by Holly Black 

Overall ratting 90%

In this novel, our world is facing the problem of vampire infestations which leads to the disease spreading at alarming rates. Vampire and those thought to be infected are quarantined in places called Coldtowns. Our main character Tana, goes into Coldtown in an attempt to save her ex boyfriend who has contracted the disease.

This was my first vampire novel and that's not for lack of trying. I've always found vampire books to be far too cheesy but I really enjoyed this take on vampires. I loved Gavriel's character, old and gentlemanly at times, tender towards Tana; but then he could be insane as well. I highly recommend this book if you're looking for a vampire book, or if like me you're hesitant towards the subject.


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