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Heir of Fire review and discussion

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All of the stars because Celaena rattles the stars.

Spoiler free review

Celaena returns bent and broken but damn she made a speedy recovery. We are introduced to new characters and new plots in this installment of the series. It was formidable. All of it. The writing was amazing, the character development was better than ever and the story is beyond words. I highly highly recommend every book in this series. Novellas and everything. I think it's safe to say that this is my favourite series of all time. I love it even more than The Infernal Devices trilogy. I'm so sorry Will but it's the truth. If I go into any detail at all it will spoil you so I'm just going to leave this hoping that you all get the message. 

 Here is the discussion and spoilery part of the review so you better have read all the books in the series or else there is the promise of spoilers. 

Ok so how cute were Rowan and Celaena? I loved them it was such a cute friendship. They teased each other like siblings but they still cared deeply for one another. And the whole carranam thing reminded me so much of parabatai, it was great. I found it really reassuring to know that Celaena had someone to confide in and someone to just be her friend when she needed it. Especially after what happened to Nehemia. I especially liked the scene where it was Celaena's birthday so Rowan brought her chocolates and then she gave him a big kiss on the cheek and he pretended to be annoyed :')  They were adorable after they got passed the general dislike and pride. 

What did you all think of Manon? I wasn't a big fan. Because we know that she's either going to have to join Celaena's side or else someone (probably Celaena,) is going to have to kill her. It seems like she's veering towards the good side after the stunt she pulled with Petrah and the crochan with but how long will that take? Though I did really like seeing her relationship with Abraxos. I imagined him as Thoothless from How to Train Your Dragon so I found him to be adorable. 

Alrighty now we have Sorcha and Dorian. It happened really quickly. They met. They talked like twice. Then they kissed. And then they were talking about sex. Dorian was quick to forget about Celaena but at the same time he wasn't. Whenever we read from his point of view and he was with Sorcha he thought of Celaena. Still, I was happy that he was happy. I had finally gotten used to her and then, it happened. Off with her head. 

You know that part where the Valg princes went through Celaena's memories? That was heart wrenching. But I did really like one memory. When the King of Adarlan went to Terrasen when Celaena was little and they were having dinner, little Celaena told little Dorian that he "ate like a fine lady" and Dorian just said "I eat like a prince." That was so Dorian and Celaena. She was just as sassy as an 8 year old :')

There is just so much to talk about, I'm having trouble keeping track of it all. Usually I take notes but I was so enthralled with everything that I couldn't be bothered to put it down. 

I was actually really happy that Sarah J Mass let Celaena kind of rebuild herself. She didn't just throw herself back into it. She took the time to mend herself emotionally, physically and mentally. She grieved over Nehemia and Sam. She grieved over her lost childhood and her relationship with Chaol. She grieved over all the lives that she had taken and over the life she once had. And then she put herself back together and came back better than ever.

I loved seeing Celaena's apartment through Aedion's eyes. The green and white table decor, the colours of Terrasen. The stag on the mantel piece. Aedion still recognizing her smell on her clothes. It was really sweet and it made me a little bit teary eyed. 

Oooh. Queen Maeve and Celaena's little duel thingy near the end. How badass was that. When Celaena grabbed that ring in the cave, I knew. She forces Maeve to release Rowan from his oath and she proves to Maeve that she is not to be messed with. So cool. 

It troubles me that Aedion thinks that Aelin is above marrying a mortal. He's very possessive of her and it seems like he is going to try being very controlling of her. He's ready to marry her yet she laughed at the idea. I don't think that is going to sit well with him. It's making me very anxious. 


Aedion is being used as a trap to lure Aelin to the castle. The king put one of those collars on Dorian and I worry what it'll do to him emotionally when we get him out of it. Chaol escaped (with Fleetfoot!!!!) And Sorcha is now a headless spy. 

Chaol was so stupid. It killed me, and possibly Dorian as well. Had he not opened his mouth he could have left and Dorian could have used his magic to defend himself instead of Chaol. I am so mad at him. 

Now Dorian gets his own paragraph because he is special. What is going to happen to him? I'm so scared that Chaol and Ress won't save him in time. Then we're going to have to find a cure for whatever happens to him and that is going to cause several other problems. Where do we put demon Dorian? Is there even a cure for what happened to him? How many books will it take until we fix him? What far off dangerous land will we have to go to in order to find out about the cure? This is all too much for my anxiety.

I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.


  1. I feel bad that I ship Aelin/Rowan, but come on, she can't tell me she didn't see us reacting like this to them! And I agree, Sorscha was a bit blah to me, and while her death didn't affect me because of her, it hurt so much to see Dorian so upset :(

    1. Yeah, at times I did feel like they would've made a cute couple but when I look back at both their story lines as a whole I'm really glad to see that Sarah J Mass kept their relationship platonic. :D


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