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Read this month: September

Ugh. That basically sums up this month. School is back and so are the daily reminders of how much I hate leaving my bed. The hallways are an especially scary place for a girl who stands at 5 foot 1. You can probably guess that I haven't read all that much this month but in case you haven't this is your warning. Please don't be disappointed with me. I tried my best.

In this wrap up I reviewed: The 5th Wave. Heir of Fire, and Just One Night.

Image result for the fifth waveThe 5th Wave by Rick Yaney

Overall rating: 90%

I really did enjoy this book. Cassie is witty and entertaining and I love the writing. I had a couple issues with this book but they were minor things. (I won't go into detail because of spoilers!) The plot is super duper interesting and the characters were all so different and intriguing.  (I love love love Ringer, Teacup and Dumbo.) I do recommend that you pick up this book if you're ever in the mood for a dystopian. The next book in the series is called  The Infinite Sea, it's being released on the 16th of September and I can't wait to pick it up! 

Image result for heir of fireHeir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas 

Overall rating: 100%

It was glorious guys.

Celaena becomes even more kickass than she was before. My emotions are everywhere. I'm practically running around with a butterfly net trying to get them all back. It's intense.

Goodreads links
Throne of Glass
Crown of Midnight
The Assassin's Blade
Heir of Fire

Read my full review here.

Just One Night by Gayle Forman

Overall rating: 76% 

Novella's are never really worth 100% for me. So don't be upset. I did like how this was written though, from numerous POV's yet it was more of a stream of consciousnesses than actual points of view. It's good to know what happened after Just One Day but I would have preferred that this was a book in itself just so that we could learn about what happens to all the minor characters.  

Yup. In an entire month all I read was 2 books and a novella. Sorry. 


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