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Read This Month: August

These are just mini reviews of the books I've read this month. Be warned they may have minor spoilers! In this wrap up I reviewed: Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Glitches, The Queen's Army, Four, Rebel Angels, Isla and the Happily Ever After, The Kiss of Deception, The Sweet Far Thing, Obsidian  and Onyx. 

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Overall rating: 100%

I started the month with Cinder. I did not expect to like it at all. I loved it. It's one of my favourite series of all time now. Don't let the idea of cyborgs, space and robots put you off because this series is magical. I loved finding the parallels between these books and the original fairy tales. And the setting is in New Beijing, how much more amazingness do you need for you to pick up this book? The characters are so incredibly lovable. It's a book that makes you forget to sleep, eat and text your mother back. Oops. But it's totally worth it.

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

Overall rating: 100% 

In this thrilling sequel we are introduced to a new character, Scarlet. She is feisty, redheaded and french. We love her, we don't fully know why but we do. She is that one impulsive character every book has. Then we meet Thorne Carswell. He reminds me so much of Captain Jack Harkness. It's impossible not to love him. There is Wolf as well, I still haven't fully made up my mind about him. And then we have Iko as a ship. She's still hilarious, dorky and adorable. Do not fret Iko will save our asses once again!

Cress by Marissa Meyer 

Overall rating: 100%

Cress, was by far my favourite book and character in this entire series. She's such a dork and so very lovable. The relationship she has with Thorne is so incredibly sweet. It's rainbows and kittens and all things good in the world. I love how understanding he is towards her situation, he is snarky and witty without being mean and it just makes this book oodles of fun! Cinder and Iko are still very kickass. Wolf and Scarlet are still slightly annoying and Kai is so oblivious it kills me. I'm also really intrigued by Winter. I know a lot of people are convinced that she will turn out to be an ally but I'm not too sure. The suspense it killing me.

Glitches by Marissa Meyer

Overall rating: 85%

This is the story of Cinder first coming into the Linh family. I really enjoyed learning about Cinder's back story. Considering that  this was a novella it really passed my expectations. I can't say much without telling you what happens so I'm just going to leave it at that!

The Queen's Army by Marissa Meyer

Overall rating: 75%

Maybe it's just that I'm not very fond of Wolf as a character but I didn't like this novella as much as I liked the last one. Besides that it was really interesting to see a more in depth version of the transformation these lunars have to undergo. I really think that you need to read all the books (including the novellas) in The Lunar Chronicles in order to get the whole story. If not you're going to be left with questions. There is only so much information Marissa Meyer can put into each book. 

Four by Veronica Roth

Overall rating: 70%

I'm so scatter brained today that I just typed "Veronica Mars" instead of "Veronica Roth". It's the whole back to school craze, it's turning my brain to mush and I haven't even gone back yet. After Allegiant I've been very cross with the series. I feel like that really affected my liking to this book. Tris and Four sound far too similar, she really shouldn't have made the last book from both POV's. It didn't work. It made me annoyed with Tris and Four. I didn't care about how it ended. Still I found this to be a good book to get me out of my reading rut. I'm familiar with the characters, the world and the story. And they're novellas, another thing I find to be quite helpful when all I want to do is reread all my old books.

Rebel Angels by Libba Bray

Overall rating: 80%

The only flaw I see in this entire series is that Gemma never learns. She does anything to be accepted by Felicity. Often that leads to trouble. It is understandable that she does it a few times, we all want to be part of the incrowd. But it gets to a point where you start debating throwing the book out the window and walking away.
Still, I love the wit and banter Gemma has in her. The writing is beautiful and the story is even better than the last book. I loved seeing the girls away from Spence. I highly recommend this series. 

Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins

Overall rating: 99%

As always Stephanie Perkins managed to make me squeal with pure delight. I found that I really related to Isla. And I loved the dynamic between her and her family. I still prefer Anna but I do love this one much more than I liked Lola. And when all our characters reunited I was just about ready to cry tears of joy. The only problem I had was that the story line was a little bit weak. It wasn't as obvious of a problem. This book was a little bit more raw than Anna and Lola. There was sex and depression and other mental trials. Yet despite all that it still managed to be fluffy and fun! If you're in need of some good contemporary I really recommend these books. 

The Kiss of Deception by Mary E Pearson

Overall rating: 95%

I loved this. You never really truly know what's going on and it's great. You don't know who to trust and whether or not you can trust your own judgments. There is and Assassin and a Prince, yet the main character doesn't know that and you don't know which one is which. I love assassin stories and the inner 5 year old in me is a sucker for princes so how could I not love this story? I think that this book dragged on a bit. I feel like it could have been two books. Even so I really think that everyone will very much enjoy this book because you get to theorize. Good luck! (I got it wrong. And now I'm seriously disappointing with myself.)

The Sweet Far Thing by Libba Bray

Overall rating: 85%

This book is huge. Like Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix huge. Well it's almost that big and just as heart wrenching. I loved the morals displayed in this series. In this book they were very much accentuated. We saw racism, sexism, homophobia, depression and addiction and a wide array of other things (even child prostitution, much to my horror) We saw that we shouldn't romanticize the past     (something I am very guilty of.) The writing was beautiful and entrancing as always and the characters had more layers than ever. 
It was a beautiful ending to a beautiful series. 

Obsidian by Jennifer L Armentrout 

Overall rating: 80%

 I don't really know why I like this series so much but I do. It's an addiction. I know that it's not all that great but I still really enjoy for some reason? I think it's that even though it's a paranormal book it's still so fluffy that it's refreshing. And the drama isn't so overly dramatic. Also the fact that there's a supper attractive love interest can't hurt. I have a full review of this book here!

Onyx by Jennifer L Armentrout 

Overall rating: 75%

Still loved this book. There was so much sexual frustration and heavy make out sessions, it killed me. I found Katy to be kind of wishy-washy though. She thought one thing last book but now she completely changed her mind without really explaining why. (I'm going to write a full review and discussion sometime in the future where I'll explain that in further detail.) And then there was her aversion to Dee throughout the entire book. I know that this was addressed as a problem eventually but even after that Katy made little to no effort to fix that. And then she did the thing. The not communicating like a human thing. ALL PROBLEMS IN NEARLY EVERY BOOK COULD BE AVOIDED IF ONLY THE  CHARACTERS USED THEIR WORDS! 

And that's it for today! Do you guys disagree with anything I've said? If so let me know in the comments!
                                                                            - Nerissa 


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