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The Bane Chronicles Review+Discussion

16303287This was the only book I read in December so let's call this post a December Wrap Up as well. Okay? Okay.

So this book is a series of short stories told from Magnus' point of view. It's written by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan and Maureen Johnson. This book also creates a little bit of a timeline of Magnus' life. Personally I recommend that you read this book after you've finished both The Mortal Instruments series and The Infernal Devices, as you understand it better and you avoid spoilers that way. My personal favourite stories were The Runaway Queen, The Midnight Heir, Saving Raphael Santiago, What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything (And Who You're Not Officially Dating Anyway), and The Course of True Love (And First Dates)

All in all I loved this book and would give it 95%, just because they're novellas. It's funny and heartbreaking at the same time and I loved finding out about Magnus' past.

Spoilers under the cut!
So this is the book that Magnus gives Alec at the end of City of Heavenly Fire. I'm kind of left wondering how Alec reacted to all of it. How red did he turn reading the part where they have a heated make-out session on Magnus' couch in "The Course of True Love (And First Dates)".

I loved the group dynamic between Ragnor, Magnus and Catarina. I loved how close Ragnor and Raphael became. I loved all the little references to The Infernal Devices. Magnus also describes the fashion trends of each era and provides us with brief history lessons, which I absolutely adored.

There's this one part in "The Last Stand of the New York Institute" where he tells Maryse Lightwood "I have no interest in the world you want. Or in your doubtless repellent brat, I might add." The irony. This book also brought light to the situation LGBT people were put in in the late 80's with the AIDS epidemic. Also, Tessa in his apartment. Wearing a shirt that says "WILLIAM WANTS A DOLL". Her going on about how upset Jane Austen would be. Her and Magnus' banter. It was beautiful.

I loved Elyaas in "What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything (And Who You're Not Officially Dating Anyway)". He was so cute and his comments made me laugh. Him telling Magnus to get Alec a scented Candle or a Mix Tape. It was all so lighthearted and touching. And then there is the part where Elyaas has to remind Magnus that he summoned him the time he was looking for Will's demon.

"Against his will, Magnus found a smile curving his lips as he rummaged around for his big blue coffee cup that said BETTER THAN GANDALF  across the front in sparkly letters. He was besotted; he was officially revolted by himself" 

There are just so many golden lines in this book.  I really wish I'd taken notes instead just using sticky tabs.

Magnus and Raphael become roomies! It's hilarious. I loved how Magnus vows that if he ever gets a cat he will always throw it birthday parties and then in City of Bones he does. These stories are woven together so beautifully.

"Magnus had often thought of getting a pet, but he had never considered acquiring a sullen teenage vampire. Once Raphael was gone, he thought, he was getting a cat. And he would always throw his cat a birthday party."

We see how and why in detail, Edmund Herondale (Will's dad) gets his marks removed and becomes a mundane. He too has a hatred for ducks. Then we meet Will and Tessa's son James. He declares himself the Duck King.

" "There isn't any chance," Magnus asked, without much hope,"that you are a rather nice fellow who believes he is cursed and must make himself seem unlovable to spare those around him from a terrible fate? Because I have heard that happens sometimes." "

There is so much more we can discuss but I'm just going to leave you all with this last quote and bid you farewell.

"If you wrap me in furs, I can pretend to be your little fuzzy bear." 


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