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2014 Favourites

If auto correct could stop changing favourites to favorites that would be great. I am in Canada we have nothing against the letter u over here. I assume you get the gist of this post from the title but here are my favourite books of 2014!

15863832Angelfall by Susan Ee

In 2015 the last book featuring Penryn will be released, that does not bode well for her fate. I read Angelfall and Afterworld this year and I have grown so attached to the characters. To Raffe and Penryn. To her mother and the twins. The writing, the world, and the wit in these books are phenomenal. I cannot recommend this book enough. I actually got it for my best friend for her birthday I loved it that much

Image result for ignite me coverIgnite Me by Tahereh Mafi

Shatter Me was a bust. Unravel Me was okay but Ignite me was great. Tahereh Mafi really surprised and impressed us all in this one, I look forward to seeing what she comes up with next.

 I can't say much about this book as it's the final book in the trilogy, however if you're reading Shatter Me or Unravel Me and want to give up just push through everything will be okay eventually.

7896527Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Aside from The Infernal Devices this series is my most favourite series of all time. The characters are so complex and the world is so intriguing. The magical elements are wonderfully explained and everything makes sense. This series is beyond words.

Image result for the winners curseThe Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski

I loved how balanced this book was. There is political intrigue, romance and the discussion of human rights. It has a little bit of everything. I'm excited to see how it all plays out in the next book. Bonus points for the lack of instant love.

Image result for these broken starsThese Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

This book really exceeded my expectations. The whole premise of the Titanic in space didn't really appeal to me at first. In the end I bought it because of the cover. But it is so much more than that. The book starts off in a spaceship but they end up on this supposedly abandoned planet and it really reminded me of the "Time of the Angels" episode of Doctor Who. I loved it.

Image result for cruel beauties bookCruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge

Again, I only bought this book because of the cover. But listen to this; a domed city in which the ruler is a demon prince and a girl is trained as an assassin since birth and then is married off to the prince in hopes that she kills him and frees the land. Mythology is incorporated and you get to explore a magical castle.

City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

This was a beautiful conclusion to a beautiful series I can't say much else. Cassandra Clare is a genius when it comes to writing endings, you don't feel like there's anything missing and you really get that sense of closure. I highly recommend all of her books.

Image result for cinderCinder by Marissa Meyer

So I tried picking this book up three times. Finally I got it at the library and I actually read it. Ignore the cover, get past the first 50 pages and that's it you're hooked. And it gets better as the series continues, I promise. The characters are all so much fun and the world is set in New Beijing so there is so much diversity and politics and moon people with Doctor Who like perception filter powers. It's so good.

Image result for isla and the happily ever after
Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins

It was cute, it was fun, I loved Isla and I especially loved reading about the previous characters lives. I highly recommend the entire series for whenever you're going through a rough patch.

Image result for the kiss of deceptionThe Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

This book was just so perfectly written and planned, I loved it. It's a big book and I breezed through it in about two days. I don't want to say too much but there's an assassin and a prince but you don't know which one is which. It's lots of fun.

Image result for the retribution of mara dyerThe Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin

I loved how Mara evolved as a character, she dove into the morally gray zone and she didn't look back. It's always fun to see that because typically in YA books authors tend to avoid it?

Read my full review here.

17234658A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray

Alternate universes and romance. Need I say more?

Read my full review of this book here.

I hope you've all had a fantastic year and I especially hope that 2015 turns out to be even better.



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