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A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray Review+Discussion

17234658Overall rating: 100% 

First thing's first. Look at the cover. Isn't it amazing? It's even better in person, if you can believe it. If for no other reason go buy the book just to be able to admire the cover. 

This book was phenomenal. There is actually nothing that I would change in this book. It was amazing starting from the very first page. 

Claudia Gray did a spectacular job. Most of the time science fiction isn't very easily explained, you're left with so many questions and in the end it takes away from the book. Everything was either explained or acknowledged as unexplained. All grounds were covered. The characters were all so intriguing and well developed.The worlds were all so interesting and detailed. The writing was wonderful and witty. If you like reading books where you get to experience different places around the world through the book, this is perfect for you.

My heart weeps over the idea of starting a new book now. No book could be as amazing as this. Especially for the first book in a series.

Spoilery (tiny) discussion under the cut!!!! 

Another thing I really loved about this book were all the pop culture references. For example:

  • "A Weasley twin set loose in Silicon Valley"
  • "Adele and The Machine"

Marguerite thinks about how having sex with Russian Paul Markov will affect the tsarina. It shows how complex Marguerite's character is and how intricate dimension jumping is. 

I think my favourite dimension is the Russian one. I loved how it kind of became historical fiction at that point, I loved her siblings,  and I loved that Paul Markov. (The Faberge eggs were a beautiful touch. I really adored how the author incorporated many traditions.)

There is so much more to discuss but I feel like if I speak about it too much then it won't seem nearly as magical anymore. Though I think you all know what I mean when I say that this book is just beyond words! 



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