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The Retribution of Mara Dyer review+discussion

Image result for the retribution of mara dyerOverall rating: 90%

Alrighty so let's get down to business, I loved this book. It was a fantastic conclusion to a wonderful series. It was a fantastic book all on its own. The Retribution of Mara Dyer was just as witty as all the other books while being even darker than the last two. 

I loved Jamie and Mara's relationship. Their banter made me laugh out loud. And I also really enjoyed how near the end we got POV's from Noah.we got a few different POV's as well that were beautifully incorporated into the book. This is a truly amazingly woven series and I highly recommend it.

My absolute favourite thing about this book is that Mara has no qualms about becoming this darker person. She has no guilt for feeling this way either. It makes her super badass and in my opinion easier to relate to. She is ready to do what she has to do in order to save herself and those she loves. It saves us as readers, from pulling out hairs and yelling "You should have killed them when you had the chance!!!!" at inanimate objects. Now your family or roommates or pets won't think you're loosing it. It's a win win for us all.

So all in all I really did enjoy this book. The epilogue left me satisfied though I could always do with a "17 year later" type of thing. 

Spoilers under the cut! 

I loved how near the end we got POV's from Noah. I also would really love to personally hand Michelle Hodkin an award for how well she executed that sex scene.

 I loved how Daniel joined the team and believed in his sister. 

I found the memories and letter from Mara's grandmother to be super intriguing. Personally I would like to see that book about genetic memories. The letters from Lukumi were also very enlightening so that was very well done as well. We understood how Mara's ancestry and Noah's ancestry intertwined. 

If you didn't die a little inside because of how much of an ass Noah's father was, I applaud you. I wish I had enough emotional restraint to be able to deal with that. I was so angry. I'm like everyone's dad watching the hockey game. Yelling at the book "KILL HIM KILL HIM OH MY GOD I HATE YOU" and "I SWEAR IF THIS DOESN'T END THE WAY I WANT IT TO I AM GOING TO DIE". It was all very intense in my head.

I was soooooooooo angry at Noah's mom. You brought an living being, a person capable of having emotions, into the world to fight battles you romanticized. I hate her. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MY POOR NOAH?  I cannot deal with all this resentment. 

Noah used to slit his wrists. :'( 

I'm feeling too many feelings all at once here. 



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