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November Reads

I'm late! I'm late! For a very important day. No time to say hello, goodbye! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!
The end of the semester is coming up. *cues hysteria* Can you feel my stress through the screen because I feel like you should be able to. Oh and I got bangs on Monday, just a little life update.

This month I reviewed: Blue Lily Lily Blue, and A Thousand Pieces of You.


Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater

Overall rating: 85%

As always I really did enjoy this addition to the series. The characters are fun and eccentric, the plot is fascinating and look at that cover art. There were many new characters introduced in this book and I grew quite attached to them. And a good few problems were resolved (and even more were created). I still don't understand the meaning behind the title. I see where it came from but why? Adam still annoys me. Bleh.

17234658A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray

Overall rating: 100%

Just look at my rating and trust my judgement. Just this once. I've never given 100% to a book before, especially not the first book. So go. 

Full review here

And that is all... I know it's bad but my math grades are improving and I'm at season 3 of Gilmore Girls!!! I also nearly finished (70 pages away) Mortal Heart by Robin LaFevers. So that is almost 3 books!

P.S. Don't expect anything from me until February, My French teacher gave us 2 days to write a 5 page essay not double spaced. And my history teacher told us about a test one day in advance. And you really don't want to hear about math class. That's just scary for everyone. 

P.P.S Maybe you shouldn't expect anything until summer actually... I have English next semester with the really hard teacher and I am determined to ace that class even if it takes up every piece of my soul. 


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