But as per usual the story was enjoyable and the characters were hilarious. Some characters got a whole bunch of character development and then others got pushed to the side and forgotten.
I still had a ball reading this book and as a whole I really do recommend the series.
Spoilery discussion under the cut!
Shall we begin the good stuff or the bad stuff? Let's end on a happy note so here is everything that enraged me. Enraged.
Where is Percy? We get like one scene with Percy when he and Leo have their little heart to heart thing. The rest of the time Percy is just a side character or he is about to die and we are watching this occur from Piper or Jason's POV. These are Percy's books. Why did I not see Percy? I didn't get to say goodbye and I didn't see him experience any character development from his POV. We didn't even get an Annabeth POV so he really didn't exist in this book. His character had a whole bunch of crap that he needed to deal with in order to grow. He needed to get over what happened to Bob and the poison sea and all the horrible stuff that happened in Tartarus. But he didn't because there was no POV for him to develop in! He should at least be devising some sort of plan or deal with the gods to save Bob. But he forgot about him just like how he forgot about Calypso. Or maybe he didn't forget! But we will never know. I'm still very upset.
Alrighty so another big cliffhanger thing is Reyna's prophecy from Aphrodite. It keeps on popping up in all of Reyna's chapters but in the end it isn't resolved? What was the point of building all that suspense only to just have Piper say "I don't know but you'll be fine!" ?
Annabeth worries about Percy. She keeps on thinking about how Percy made that sea of poison and how scary he looked. This is also never resolved because Annabeth never got a POV. She needed to work on trusting Percy again but we never got that, it's just assumed.
How did Jason getting glasses help the story line? He never mentions having vision problems. There were so many Jason chapters. And this is never brought up. Why bother?
And the big "thing". Leo. In the PJO books so many people died and those were kids books! But in these YA books no one of importance actually dies. Leo keeps on acting so depressed about his inevitable death when he knows that he's coming back? And when he finds Calypso his first wish isn't to go tell his friends that he is in fact alive it's to travel to wherever Calypso wants to go? Of course he is allowed to be a bit selfish and just be with her but I would have liked for him to be heroic one last time.
How was Apollo punished? Delphi still hasn't returned.
That's why I think Rick is going to announce another series or something. So many questions are left unanswered and they can't be solved with little appearances. It may take a while for these books to be released but I do believe that they will happen. The demigods (maybe the Norse demigods too) are going to have to reunite to fix the Apollo problem. That is my theory.
And now onto everything I loved!
Clarrise made a brief appearance. She becomes Coach Hedge's baby's godmother. She is super protective and loving towards the baby and Mellie it was adorable.
Apollo kills me sometimes " "Well, who was I to argue with and offer like that! Does Zeus have a perfect tan? Can he play the ukulele? I think not!" "
So remember how near the end the gods and the seven teamed up to kill the giants? Piper is fighting a giant all on her own and Aphrodite is up on a could encouraging Piper and throwing rose petals and sending doves to flap in the giants face. It was marvelous.
The whole Nike battle was hilarious as well. They capture her by poking her buttons. It was ridiculous. And to win Kym's favour they bribe her with action figures and trading cards! Silly gods, trading cards are for kids.
And then we have Reyna. She has been through quite a lot yet she perseveres. She even lends her strength to Nico and takes some of his burden. She is very badass I love her. I especially liked the part where Orion is like nobody loves you, Jason abandoned you and Percy rejected you and Reyna says "I don't define myself by the boys who may or may not like me." It didn't feel forced, it felt like something that would actually occur organically.
My absolute favourite thing about this book was Nico. He developed so much it was beautiful. Nico and Reyna form an incredible bond and friendship. They support each other and they both open up. They both finally have someone they can depend on. Reyna accepts Nico for everything that he is and is not and Nico does the same for her. They don't judge each other they listen and understand.
Nico even opens up to the rest of the camp and realizes that he has always had a place there. He leads some of the battle! Nico admits to Percy that he liked him. It was the most nonchalant conversation. Annabeth gives a knowing and proud look, Percy is taken aback and Nico is just like "Alright see ya 'round." Again I would have liked to read that from Percy's POV as well but we can't have everything. Nico and Will. What do you guys think? I feel like they are going to be super dorky and annoying and cute.
All of that being said I think that there will be a new spin off series. We still need to fix the Apollo/Delphi problem and a whole bunch of other details need to be sorted. There needs to be closure for Percy! Cross your fingers that it happens soon!
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