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Waiting on in 2014

So 2014 is nearly over and there are still quite a few books coming out before the year is up. Here are the ones I am most anticipating!

Heir of Fire is set to be released on September second. I am beyond ecstatic waiting for this book. It is the third book in a six book series by Sarah J Maas. It being the third in the series book I can't give you a description with the risk of spoilers being imminent.

Basically the series is about this super badass and hilarious female assassin, Celaena Sardothien. She loves to read and she adores fashion and all things pretty. There are also two main love interests Prince Dorian and Captain of the Guard, Chaol. It's a high fantasy young adult novel and it's one of my absolute favourites. Celaena is funny and kickass and everything else I aspire to be. (Unfortunately blood makes me queasy so I'm just going to continue living my dreams through these books.)
Here is the goodreads link to the first book if you haven't read it yet. I really really really recommend that you do. Drop everything you're doing and go read it then come back and rave about it with me.
And here is the goodreads link to this book.

In the Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken is coming out on October 28th. It is the third and final installment in the Darkest minds trilogy and promised to entice many many tears.
In the first book we are introduced to Ruby, the protagonist. An epidemic spread across America killing children. The children who are spared from the disease find themselves with powers. (It's great when you get past the fact that the poor little munchkins were put into what were essentially concentration camps because they had these "too cool for grown ups" superpowers.) Ruby escapes one of these camps only to stumble upon three more escapes. Liam (he says "darlin'" you'll love him), Chubs (he grows on you don't worry) and Suzume who is basically the very essence of cuteness. They team up and proceed their road trip in search of a safe heaven for other kids like themselves.

Here is the link to the first book. Go read it ASAP.

And here is the link to the last book.

Okie dokies I have not read the first book in this series but it's the next book on my TBR so I'm just going to hope that I adore the first book as much as everyone says I will and add this book to the list. It comes out on September 16th.

All I know about the first book is that the main character is kickass and the book is about an alien invasion. Besides that the covers are beautiful so that seems like a good enough reason to buy them :P. Usually I'm iffy about aliens and all that but I'm currently reading The Lux series by Jennifer L Armentrout and I'm really enjoying that alien book so I decided to give this one a go. Well actually I picked it up because I loved the Lunar Chronicles so much that I was desperate for some more sci-fi.

Here is the link to the first book.

Here is the link to the second book.

I want it but at the same time I really don't want it. It is the last book in a huge series. I'm probably going to read it in three days and then I'm really going to regret it. It's highly probable that I cry for several day after I finish it and it will be at the most inconvenient times too. ( i.e. "yada yada math algebra stuff you really should be paying attention to" *wails and runs out of the classroom*)

It comes out October 7th.

If you don't know about this series yet then I don't know what to do with you. It's funny and emotionally taxing at the same time but you'll love it I swear. Don't give me any of that "but it's a middle grade novel" bs because in the end they of the series are 17 (maybe older I can't really remember right now)
 and even as an 11 year old Percy is the best.

Here is the link to The Blood of Olympus.

I'm not a big fan of this cover though. :/

This is the third book in the Raven Boys quartet. It is being released on October 21, the previous book The Dream Thieves ended on a cliff hanger so I am anxiously awaiting this one.

This series is kind of tricky to explain but I will do my best.
Blue is the protagonist. A girl named Blue, not the colour. She comes from a family of physics yet she has no physic abilities other than being an amplifier for other peoples power. It has been predicted that if she kisses her true love he will die. It's downright cruel, I know. Then one day she meets the ghost of the person she will kill a.k.a her true love. This means that he is going to die within the year. His name is Gansey. Then she stumbles upon him in not ghost form and everything goes to hell. He is obsessed with Glendower and Ley lines (more magic stuff) and he pulls Blue into it all. You'll fall in love with him quicker than she does and it will kill you.

First book.
This book. 

This is the third companion book in the His Fair Assassin trilogy. It is set to be released on November fourth. As I said it is a companion book therefore it isn't told from the point of view of the protagonist of the First Book, Ismae but from the point of view of her friend Annith further on in Ismae's story. It's a historical fiction book about the war between France and Brittany. It's fiction so the characters are not real but the setting is.

The first book, Grave Mercy, is one of my favourites. Ismae is the handmaiden to death himself and is trained as an assassin in a convent. Yup, assassin nuns. How can you not love this book? I swear on my honour as a girl scout that you will. (Admittedly I was never a girl scout but that's a minor detail.) (That was a dad joke I'm so sorry.)

So go on over to goodreads and check this book out if you haven't yet. Here is the link.
And here is the link to this book but only if you've read the first two. Spoilers! (I was quoting Doctor Who there in case you were wondering.)

The Retribution of Mara Dyer is (finally) being released on November fourth as well. So it was originally supposed to be released on the same day as Allegiant. Then it got pushed back another two times so I've just about given up on this book. I flew through the first two books whilst I was in my hotel room in Ottawa last summer. I went to the huge Chapters there (It's a two story building, I nearly cried) and picked up the second one as soon as I finished the first. (I bought other books too don't fret)

Basically Mara Dyer (who isn't actually Mara Dyer) gets into an accident and leaves with two dead friends and a supposedly dead ex-boyfriend. She suffers from PTSD. Her family moves and then things get interesting. She realizes that she has the power to kill people in her mind. (What i wouldn't give to have that ability in the school hallways sometimes) She meets a boy and stuff happens that I can't really remember anymore but it's good, go read it.

First book. This book 

I think there is going to be 5 books in this series although I'm not 100% sure. This is the third book in the Falling Kingdoms series. The first two books were, in truth just there to build the world but this book is supposed to be more action packed! It is being released on December 9th.

Okay this book is crazy. It's very much a Young Adult version of Game of Thrones so I'm not going to go into details here. There are three kingdoms in the land and only one is thriving. The other countries are jealous and rightfully pissed so they decide to cease the country. There is magic and princesses and assassins and all sorts of insanity. It takes a while to get into it but you start to really enjoy yourself near the end of the second book.

Here is the goodreads link to the first book.

And here is the link to this book.

Aren't the first two covers gorgeous? I'm swooning.

 So those were all the books I am waiting on during the rest of this year (it will probably get bigger as the months go on but oh well). What about you guys? Any recommendations? Any books here that you couldn't care less about?
-Nerissa <3


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