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August Book Haul

A lot of the books I read this month were library books, eBooks or were in my TBR pile. These are just the books I purchased this moth. I'll be sure to post an "August Reads" later on so be on the lookout for that!

Earlier this month I picked up the first two books in The Lunar Chronicles at my local library. I was entranced with the story line, the world and the characters. I fell in love. In two days I finished both books and was eager to read the third. In a crazed trance I hurried to open up the library website to put a hold on Cress. But alas I was the fourth person on the waiting list. With plan A having failed I came up with plan B. Buying the eBook on my laptop. I started reading around 6 PM that day and I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning. It was horrible. My eyes stung, I had a blood test to take at 9 AM the next day and I still hadn't finished the book. After taking the blood test, (with minimal tears!) I rewarded myself with a trip to the bookstore. Of course I did. I bought Cress and life was sparkly. Adios eBook! 

Then Isla and the Happily Ever After came out and I needed it. I hadn't read much since Cress and I knew Stephanie Perkins would lift my spirits. A few days after it was released I went to the bookstore and practically ran to the Young Adult section. And there was Isla in all her hardcover book glory. I cradled the book to my chest and turned around ready to head to the checkout. And then The Kiss of Deception caught my eye. I had heard Regan from Peruseproject on YouTube mention this book and I was really hoping to pick it up sometime. I attempted convincing myself that today was not that time. I had gotten what I came for. But nope, I caved. I picked up The Kiss of Deception by Mary E Pearson and then tried to leave once more. That-obviously-did not happen. I ended up also getting The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey, Obsidian and Onyx by Jennifer L Armentrout, The Sweet Far thing by Libba Bray and two more books. (I forgot to include them in the photo, I'm sorry!)  

At the checkout I noticed a sale they were having. Uh oh. Two pocket books (originally 13$ each) were on sale for 2 for 15$. I saw Outlander. I started watching the show just the week before and I loved it. Scottish accents make me weak at the knees. So I grabbed the first book and then I searched for the second. They didn't have it. Fine, I'd grab the third and come back for the second later. Tough luck. They didn't have that one either. So I bought the first book and the fourth book. Now they are sitting in the closed of part of my bookshelf because they are big and intimidating. I'm a horrible person, I know. Why buy books if you're afraid of reading them? Bookstore give me adrenaline rushes, I can't control myself in there. 

And that was the story for today! What books have you bought and never really picked up? Do books ever intimidate you? Or am I stranger than I thought? Who knows. 

- Nerissa :3


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