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A Casual Reappearance

I realize that the last time I posted anything was almost a  year ago but it's spring break now, I have no homework, no work, and nowhere to travel to so I might as well bring my blog back from the grave for a moment. I haven't been reading much which is mostly why I haven't been back for a while ,but here is a little overview of some of the books I have gotten the chance to read. 

In this wrap up I reviewed: Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover, Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas, Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray and Winter by Marissa Meyer. 

Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

Overall rating: 4 stars 

This is a New Adult novel (in case you didn't know New Adult is a genre where the characters are usually in their 20's and there are sex scenes more graphic than Young Adult sex scenes) about a nursing student named Tate who moves in with her brother who conveniently isn't home all that often so that she can become friends with benefits with his best friend and next door neighbor, Miles. As expected Tate catches feelings but Miles won't allow anything more to happen due to his tragic backstory. It's cheesy I know but I just needed a light read to get out of my reading slump and I actually enjoyed it. I wouldn't necessarily read it again or go out of my way to recommend it to friends but it was what I needed. 

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Overall rating: 5 stars 

This novel takes place in a very small town where Lou, our main character, works at the local cafe. When it shuts down she is left without a job and is essentially the sole provider of her family. She finds employment with a rich family with a quadriplegic adult son who used to be quite the daredevil. With loosing  his ability to be independent he also looses his will to live. Lou spends her time at work trying to convince him that he can still have a good life. I did enjoy this book, it was well written, the characters were intriguing and the story was beautiful. I wouldn't classify Me Before You as one of my favorites but it was a very good book nonetheless. (The meaning behind the title makes me so angry you have no idea.)

Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

Overall rating: 5 stars!!!

This is the fourth book in the Throne of Glass series. (There are only two books left and I am already heartbroken.) I can"t give you much of a summary if you haven't already read the other three books so all I will say is that these books get better and better as the series goes along. I don't know how Sarah J. Maas does it. For those of you who have read all the other books I have one word for you all; Rowan. Hot damn. 

Ten Thousand Skies Above You by Claudia Gray

Overall rating: 2 stars

So this book described in one word would be underwhelming. Or annoying, take your pick. The previous book was incredible. It was actually one of my favourite books that year but the amazing characters, story line and suspense just shattered in this book. The characters were dull, our main character Marguerite is so unbelievably annoying. The story line felt like a last minute outline I'd write 10 minutes before English class just for the sake of handing something in. I hated this book. Maybe it's because I had such high hopes based on the first book but I will not be picking up the third book. 

Winter by Marissa Meyer

Overall rating: 5 stars 

I read this book on the 8ish hour bus ride to and from Ottawa for a tour of the university so whenever I look at this book on my shelf I have good memories. However I do not believe myself to be biased when I say that this book was very very good. If I had to rank the books from this series it would go:
1. Cress
2. Cinder
3. Winter
4. Scarlet
Even though I'm ranking it third it was still an amazing conclusion to an amazing series and I'm very sad that it has come to an end and yet very appreciative that it was executed this beautifully. 


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