If your blood is silver, you have abilities and if your blood is red, then you're normal. Except for our main character, Mare. Because of this anomaly, she is kept at the castle and forced into an engagement with the younger prince.
The king and queen tell the people that Mare actually has silver blood but she was raised as a red. Thus making her an aspiration to all the red blooded people, in hopes that this ends the red blooded rebellion.
You can see where things, probably go askew.
Don't lie, kids.
In the end I gave this book 2.5 stars. It's not that the book was bad or anything. It was simply overhyped. I personally found the main character to be naive, and the plot to be predictable.
Spoilers under the cut!
Alright, let's get this out there.
Mare was unbelievably stupid. She was quick to trust and quick to risk her life and others.
Her relationship with Kilorn wasn't flushed out well enough to my liking.
I called her brother being alive.
And who didn't see the whole Maven thing coming?
I just found this book to be okay. It wasn't special or interesting even, it was just okay.
Let me know what you guys thought of it down in the comments! I'm actually very interested to hear why some people absolutely adored it, so by all means feel free to start up a debate with me.
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