So this is the sequel to The Winner's Curse, if you haven't read it yet I highly recommend it. It was one of my favourite books of 2014 and this sequel lives up to the standards of the first book.
The writing was brilliant, the characters hurt me in the best possible way and just look at that cover. The sequel took a dark and gory turn and I adored it. I'm angry at it, but I adore it.
If you liked Throne of Glass then you're sure to love this book as well. It's not as intricate or intense as Throne of Glass but it still has the same vibe.
So that's it for the spoiler free section, if you have read The Winner's Crime then feel free to read what's under the cut and join my little rants and discussions in the comments! We'll have a delightful conversation.
So Verex and Kestrel start off on shaky grounds. I really loved seeing how in the end they were able to become friends. He cared for her and I think Kestrel cared for him a little bit too. It was cute how she helped him win the game of Borderlands during their engagement party. And then there was the puppy. I instantly thought of Fleetfoot and how Dorian from Throne of Glass loved being in the kennels as well. And when Kestrel slapped the guard that mocked Verex.
I did not like Jess, I understand where she was coming from but I don't care. You stick by your friends even when you don't understand their decisions. And then there was Ronan, It almost felt like he had been killed off too quickly but I think that that was the right thing to do for the story.
I think I like Roshar, he's fun even though he's annoying. I don't know how I feel about Risha, that will all depend on if she puts her assassin skills to work. And I'm not a fan of the Queen. Her character wasn't really flushed out and whenever we did see her she just upset me. No alliance, maybe alliance, not talking to you, but wait let's have a heated make out session. I don't trust her.
I was skeptical about Tensen from the very beginning. If only he had given Arin the letter everything would have been okay. But no, mother knows best. (I hope you're singing the song from Tangled right now.)
I was starting to like Kestrel's dad. It was cute how he would secretly listen to Kestrel play and I really enjoyed the story of how he took Kestrel hunting when she was little. But then he just had to go and betray us all.
So now Kestrel is on her way to the mines (Throne of Glass) and her only hope is that a nameless man saw the chameleon moth and that he has the intention of delivering the message to Arin. Of course he will, otherwise it's all over but how long is that going to take? What will the mines do to Kestrel's pianist hands?
The next book is called The Winner's Kiss. Do you see that? It's a teeny tiny little speck of hope solely based on that title. Chances are it's not going to be the kind of kiss that I want but hope remains.
The stress of this series is going to kill me.
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