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Showing posts from December, 2014

2014 Favourites

If auto correct could stop changing favourites to favorites that would be great. I am in Canada we have nothing against the letter u over here. I assume you get the gist of this post from the title but here are my favourite books of 2014! Angelfall by Susan Ee In 2015 the last book featuring Penryn will be released, that does not bode well for her fate. I read Angelfall and Afterworld this year and I have grown so attached to the characters. To Raffe and Penryn. To her mother and the twins. The writing, the world, and the wit in these books are phenomenal. I cannot recommend this book enough. I actually got it for my best friend for her birthday I loved it that much

November Reads

I'm late! I'm late! For a very important day. No time to say hello, goodbye! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! The end of the semester is coming up. *cues hysteria* Can you feel my stress through the screen because I feel like you should be able to. Oh and I got bangs on Monday, just a little life update. This month I reviewed: Blue Lily Lily Blue, and A Thousand Pieces of You.