Three Dark Crowns tells the story of three sister Queens on the island of Fennbirn. Each Queen is born with the promise of a gift (Mirabella controls the elements, Arsinoe will be able to control animals and grow plants, and Katherine will be able to have immunity against poison). In order to determine who is the one Queen the sisters must battle to the death over the course of a year. This novel tells the story of the four months leading up to the festival of Beltane which marks the beginning of the battle between the Queens. I'd personally give this book 3.5 out of 5 stars. Though I did enjoy reading this book and the premise has potential I just didn't feel connected to this novel or it's characters. Hopefully the second book really develops on all this missed potential. I found the writing of the book to be a little bit iffy, sometimes it was difficult to tell who was speaking or who a character was referring to with the excessive use of "she". ...
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